
Woocommerce - Want to move the product tabs below short description

Woocommerce - Want to move the product tabs below short description
  1. How do I change the Description tab in WooCommerce?
  2. How do I move a description in WooCommerce?
  3. How do I get rid of the Description tab in WooCommerce?
  4. How do I get a product short description in WooCommerce?
  5. Where is WooCommerce product description tab?
  6. How do I add a custom tab in WooCommerce?
  7. How do I customize WooCommerce single product page?
  8. How do you edit a short description in WooCommerce?
  9. How do I rearrange my single product page in WooCommerce?
  10. How do I change product data in WooCommerce?
  11. How do I add product data to WooCommerce?
  12. How do I add additional information to WooCommerce products?

How do I change the Description tab in WooCommerce?

Change Product Tab Titles and Headings

  1. Titles.
  2. “Description” tab heading.
  3. “Additional information” tab heading.
  4. “Reviews” heading.

How do I move a description in WooCommerce?

In WooCommerce to move description under the image requires you create an action hook that targets the product thumbnail and then use the remove_action() to remove the original description and move it to the new location.

How do I get rid of the Description tab in WooCommerce?


  1. Open Wordpress admin panel, go to Appearance > Editor.
  2. Open function.php theme file.
  3. Add the following code at the bottom of function.php file.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Refresh the product page, now the description heading is gone.

How do I get a product short description in WooCommerce?

The short description for products in WooCommerce utilizes the excerpt that you'd find in normal posts. So to show it, you should simply show the excerpt for the post. It's as basic as that! Yet, now you have to hook your function to the right activity so that it's output in the correct place in your archive pages.

Where is WooCommerce product description tab?

Product tabs show on the single product page, right below the image gallery. Tab labels are “Description”, “Additional Information”, “Reviews” by default – but what if you wish to rename them into something more relevant to your users?

How do I add a custom tab in WooCommerce?

To add a saved tab to a product, go to the custom tabs section on the edit product screen, click the 'Add a Saved Tab' button above the tab, and choose which tab you would like to add.

How do I customize WooCommerce single product page?

How to edit the WooCommerce product page programmatically

  1. Edit the meta-information.
  2. Switch to a custom template for a specific product category. Edit the single-product.php file. Create a new content-single-product.php file. Create custom template editing your new content-single-product.php file.

How do you edit a short description in WooCommerce?

You can go to your store's dashboard and go to Products -> All Products. There you can find Bulk Actions. Filter products to be edited based on their categories, product type, and stock status. And choose the products by selecting the checkboxes corresponding to each product.

How do I rearrange my single product page in WooCommerce?

Reorder Product Page Contents – WooCommerce

  1. Located: plugins/woocommerce/templates/content-single-product.php.
  2. Step 1: Remove the hook you want to move.
  3. Step 2: Add it back with a different priority.

How do I change product data in WooCommerce?

Go to: WooCommerce > Products. Select the Add Product button or Edit an existing product. The Product Data displays. Select Variable product from the Product Data dropdown.

How do I add product data to WooCommerce?

Add products to the Group

  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Products > Add New.
  2. Select the Grouped product you wish to add products to.
  3. Scroll down to Product Data and go to Linked Products.
  4. Select Grouped Products, and search for the product by typing.
  5. Click the products you wish to add.
  6. Update.

How do I add additional information to WooCommerce products?

How to add custom fields to multiple products in WooCommerce

  1. Go to Product Add-Ons > Global Add-Ons.
  2. Click 'Add New Global Group'
  3. Select 'On all products'
  4. Then add your 'Information' field as normal.

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