
No result after wpdb->insert

No result after wpdb->insert
  1. How do I get Wpdb error?
  2. How can we check insert is successful in PHP?
  3. How do I find the last insert ID in WordPress?
  4. How do I find the query error in WordPress?
  5. How do I know if SQL insert query was successful?
  6. How do I know if MySQL insert query was successful?
  7. How do I insert multiple rows in a WordPress database?
  8. How do I update a query in WordPress?
  9. How do I know if MySQL update is successful?
  10. How can I tell if insert is successful C#?
  11. How do you find out if a record already exists in a database if it doesn't insert a new record?

How do I get Wpdb error?

If your $wpdb not working, and also not showing any error then you must try these three steps.

  1. Print your error using with errors functions. ...
  2. If no error visible then you must print your last query using with last query function.

How can we check insert is successful in PHP?

If you are using transactions, you need to call mysql_affected_rows() after your INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query, not after the COMMIT. To retrieve the number of rows returned by a SELECT, it is possible to use mysql_num_rows().

How do I find the last insert ID in WordPress?

If you want to get the last inserted row ID from the WordPress database. You can use the $wpdb->insert() it does the insert. $lastid = $wpdb->insert_id; You can find more information about how to do things the WordPress way can be found in the WordPress codex.

How do I find the query error in WordPress?

WordPress contains a special development mode that can be enabled by adding WP_DEBUG , WP_DEBUG_LOG , and/or WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY constants to your configuration. When enabled, PHP errors/warnings/notices and MySQL errors will be logged to wp-content/debug. log and/or printed to the screen.

How do I know if SQL insert query was successful?

You can check the @@ROWCOUNT right after insert. If it's more than 0, then the insert succeeded. Also, if @@ERROR = 0 after insert, it was successful. No, check it in T-SQL although if the insert will result in error, most likely the error will be propagated into the client.

How do I know if MySQL insert query was successful?

As you will see, there is no reason to call a SELECT query. If there is no error/exception caught, then your INSERT was successful. If a duplicate email address is submitted, then a very informative exception will be generated.

How do I insert multiple rows in a WordPress database?

$sql . = implode(",\n", $placeholders);
Simple WordPress Bulk Insert

  1. Provide a table name and an array of associative arrays of rows to insert.
  2. Column names are pulled from the first row of data automatically.
  3. Make sure you provide the same fields in each row (there's no protection for this)

How do I update a query in WordPress?

“update query wordpress” Code Answer's

  1. global $wpdb;
  2. $dbData = array();
  3. $dbData['last_login_time'] = time();
  4. $wpdb->update('table_name', $dbData, array('user_id' => 1));

How do I know if MySQL update is successful?

MySQL :: Re: How to check if insert/update was successful in store procedure. ROW_COUNT() returns the number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted by the preceding statement. This is the same as the row count that the mysql client displays and the value from the mysql_affected_rows() C API function.

How can I tell if insert is successful C#?

Re: How to check if sql insert command was successful

If you're going to do that, then I'd simply have my function return a Boolean to simply tell me if the insert was successful or not. return myCommand. ExecuteNonQuery(). Equals(1);

How do you find out if a record already exists in a database if it doesn't insert a new record?

SELECT 'This record already exists!' First, we check if the record exists with the EXISTS keyword. EXISTS executes the query we tell it to (the SELECT ) and returns a boolean value. If it finds the record, we return 'This record already exists!'

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